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332 record(s)


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    This dataset contains data collected by the Australian Continuous Plankton Recorder (AusCPR) survey and is funded by IMOS (Ships of Opportunity sub-facility) and CSIRO. The aims of the AusCPR survey are to: * map plankton biodiversity and distribution * develop the first long-term plankton baseline for Australian waters * document plankton changes in response to climate change * provide indices for fisheries management * detect harmful algal blooms * validate satellite remote sensing * initialise and test ecosystem models. The survey conducts repeat tows in the GBR, the East Australian Current and down to the Southern Ocean Time Series Mooring (SOTS). Other routes are conducted on an adhoc nature around Australia. The dataset also contains phytoplankton data from the UTAS / AAD led Southern Ocean CPR (SOCPR) project which is also funded by IMOS. The datasets available in this collection include Phytoplankton Colour Index (an estimate of chlorophyll in the water), phytoplankton abundance, zooplankton abundance and a biomass index from AusCPR and phytoplankton abundance from SOCPR. This data are freely available through the AODN portal: This data is freely available but please acknowledge all relevant parties, as detailed in acknowledgement section.

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    This dataset comprises the phytoplankton abundance and biovolume estimates as part of a broader sampling program carried out at the Southern Ocean Time Series, a facility within the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS). The primary focus is sustained observing of ocean properties and processes important to climate, carbon cycling, and ocean productivity. Regular phytoplankton samples are collected at approximately 14 day intervals (exact intervals and seasonal coverage dependent on deployment length). The moorings are serviced annually, at which time the existing moorings are recovered and new moorings are deployed. Water samples from within the surface mixed-layer are collected at pre-programmed intervals using a Remote Access Sampler, in pairs about 1 hour apart. One sample in each pair is preserved for phytoplankton community composition by microscopy, and the other sample is preserved and used for accompanying chemical analysis of nutrients, total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and alkalinity. Each sample is collected from within the surface mixed-layer at 32 m depth (2010 - 2017) or 5 m depth (2018-current) depending on the design of the mooring surface assembly and instrumentation. Typically a maximum of 24 samples are collected over an annual deployment cycle. The samples collected are analysed for: 1. Community composition / abundance (cells/L) 2. calculated biovolume (um3/L). Protocols for the phytoplankton time-series are described in Eriksen et al (2018), and the annual sample reports for each deployment. Data storage and access is planned to be interoperable with other national and international programs through the IMOS Infrastructure. Station metadata can be found through this resource. Data is available freely via the AODN portal: As the taxonomic resolution of the data has changed over time, due to continual training, it is important that users refer to the change log tables included in your data download. These will provide information on the validity of the taxa, from what date we have been identifying certain taxa etc. Classification fields may be blank depending on the level to which that taxa has been identified, i.e. if only identified to family, genus and species will be blank.

  • Surveys of inshore fish catches, fish diets, and habitat and abiotic factors were carried out off the coast of Albatross Bay, south of the Embley River mouth, in 1991 and 1992.

  • Surveys of inshore fish catches, fish diets, and habitat and abiotic factors were carried out in the Embley River Estuary, Gulf of Carpentaria, between 1986 and 1992.

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    Ecosystem impacts of human usage and the effectiveness of zoning for biodiversity conservation: - Measures of the effectiveness of previously established sanctuary zones for protecting exploited subtidal fish and invertebrate populations. - Measures of the effectiveness of previously established sanctuary zones for protecting exploited intertidal invertebrate populations - Assessment of whether there is consistent evidence for trophic cascade effects in previously established sanctuary zones - Experimental assessment of potential for indirect effects of fishing on lagoonal and shallow water ecosystems - Assessment of adequacy of sanctuaries for exploited species and related ecological effects - Baselines for future assessment of the importance of zone size, age, configuration, location on effectiveness for protecting biodiversity - Recommendations on species and methods to be monitored to assess management effectiveness (monitoring protocols, management indicators) for intertidal and subtidal communities

  • Nutrients in Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Australia, were examined monthly between August 1991 and April 1992. Levels of nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and silicate were measured, at four sites, at different depths in the water column.

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    This record describes the datasets collected from the development of a Gene Tagging Tool for the Regional Tuna Tagging Programme (RTTP) which is managed under the auspices of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission and genetic tagging studies. The aim is to quantify population structures and migratory dynamics which are currently poorly understood. The use of SNP markers lend themselves easily to routine and inexpensive ($10-$20 per fish) screening methodologies. The stock assessment advice is used to assist in the conservation and optimal economic use of this resource. This record describes the datasets collected or resulting from the outcome of the programme. Acronyms: ANSFAS: -Australia New Zealand Food Authority SNPs: -Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms IOTC: -Indian Ocean Tuna Commission RTTP: -Regional Tuna Tagging Programme FRDC: -Fisheries Research and Development Corporation

  • The objectives of this project were: To design and implement a survey program to augment the historical survey data used for species split with contemporary, well-targeted and spatially precise data. This survey to be trialled in 2002-3 and confirmed in 2003-4. To establish a protocol so that such surveys can be quickly designed and implemented on an ongoing monitoring basis. To develop further the species split methods first proposed in FRDC 98/109 so that they can be used confidently in any new stock assessments. To re-examine the historical survey data as part of the strategy for the above and to report, particularly on the value of size class information for this purpose. To investigate and report on the potential use of electronic logbooks for enhancing the precision of stock assessment of Tiger prawn species, particularly on a spatially local scale. To investigate and report on the use of size class data for gaining some information on recruitment patterns for the stock assessment.

  • The reefs of east Torres Strait were surveyed in in January 2005, visiting 123 sites from the previous survey in 2002; density estimates for each species in the fishery were compared to previous surveys to calculate density trends. These surveys were designed to provide information on the stock status of fished species and recovery of depleted species. The results of the surveys showed that the three closed species, sandfish, black teatfish and surf redfish, had not recovered from their low densities observed in previous surveys. Sandfish density actually decreased to similar levels as in 1998, when the fishery was closed. While most of the decrease occurred in the juvenile sandfish population, the adult sandfish population had also declined since the previous survey in 2002. This result was quite unexpected given the relatively strong breeding cohort evident in 2002.

  • Adult prawn species, size, sex, reproductive stage, moult stage, and parasites were measured at 20 stations in Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria. Sampling was carried out monthly, around the new moon period, between March 1986 and May 1992. The projects objectives were: - To carry out a trawl survey of prawn species distribution, size distribution, population density and reproductive status in the study area - To carry our sampling for larval prawns at selected stations. - To sample for phytoplankton species composition and chlorophyll a levels at selected stations.